Greedy little pigs

There is more to life than increasing its speed. — Mahatma Gandhi

Ronnie Apteker
11 min readJun 10, 2020

Has corona been cured in America because for the past two weeks I have not seen much mentioned in the news … like nada, zilch, niks, klum, babkas. If the virus is now behind us then good, and if not, well, it doesn’t matter much anyways, in my view. Because the bigger and more dangerous disease remains greed.

America’s leadership in the world is lacking once again. The corona virus is still out there, and we are taking ours eyes off the ball. If we are to take America’s lead, then the virus threat appears to be not very serious. But I am no doctor, so what do I know.

No one could have imagined this lockdown scenario and the fallout it is bringing. And we could not have imagined the eruption in the US over the death of Mr. Floyd. So we can’t imagine what is coming. Well, here is a hint: it is not going to be getting any better any time soon. And for those who know me, I am an optimistic, who loves to dream, and make magic.

I was listening to a podcast from a year ago: Recode Decode — Anand Giridharadas on the phony philanthropy of tech billionaires. Here is a section I transcribed: We are not going to change the world through an app, or management consulting firms, or tech companies … we get the kind of society we are willing to invest in, democratically … democracy is not a supermarket … I need milk, I am gonna pop in and grab a little milk … it is farm: you don’t grow anything, you don’t plant anything you don’t get anything. And here is another part I transcribed, referring to billionaires: When they work government power to make sure a minimum wage increase doesn’t happen … there are very capable of navigating the system … they are very deft … suddenly you say “How do we fight inequality instead of increase it … how do we raise the minimum wage … how do we create a wealth tax” … “You know, the system is so hard to understand. Who even understands the system.”

Purpose is a word I embrace, and I know what it means to be passionate and obsessed, to follow a dream. I know what it means do you what you love, and to love what you do. But if it means pursuing this vision without any regard for the rest of the world then things get twisted. Purpose is meant to be about making a difference, and that includes the people that work in the company, the customers, the community and yes, the world at large.

When there is a lack of purpose I refer to this as greed. If it becomes all about making money and having power, then we land up in the state we are currently all in. Why are the money obsessed hoarding so much cash? The system is perverted and the rich are getting richer and the masses have had enough.

You want to start ending the tension in America, then raise the minimum wage. Yes yes, I know it sounds simple and naive, but it demonstrates kindness, which is so badly needed in the world. Show people you care, and watch the results. They don’t need more speeches and lip service, they need people with power to put their hands in their pockets and give. They need action. Kindness is the secret sauce. It feels very sad saying this, because it should not have come to this.

We live in a world of modern day slavery. “The wage disparity is immoral, no question. The current status quo is not sustainable and nor is it right.” — JG

I know some very generous rich folk, and also, I know some seriously stingy folk that are loaded. Sadly, I know more stingy people than not.

Yes, racism is real and it is ugly. But greed is even uglier. America is not divided by race as much as it is divided by greed. That is my view, and it is not only America. Exploitation is everywhere. But America leads the world, and it is meant to be setting the pace. America is failing us. Please America, we need you to step up, and show the world how it should be done. The time is now. We need action, urgently. We need kindness.

I was always taught that the best way to receive is to give. I am sure you have heard of The Giving Pledge. If not, look on Google: The Giving Pledge is a commitment by the world’s wealthiest individuals and families to dedicate the majority of their wealth to giving back. This sounds wonderful, but the thing is, the masses need love and kindness now. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason. Yes, yes, calm down … who are any of us to judge the super rich. I am not saying it is everyone — what I am saying is that something has gotta give.

America is the dollar and the dollar is America. In my experience, Americans are obsessed with their green currency, and they love to take and take and take. It has become their entire identity. And they will do anything to keep the dollar the currency of the world. Of course, when I say “they” I mean those at the top of the greed tree. And yes, yes, calm down again … I am not saying it is everyone in America. Or the world, for that matter, but ask yourself, especially if you are rich: how much have you given back to help those in need? I will guess and say it is less than a few percent of what you have, 5 percent tops. But again, who are we to judge. When they come for all of us with pitchforks then perhaps it will sink in. The world needs kindness, generosity and respect.

I have no problem with the dollar. I mean, it looks and feels cool, and having a few dollars in your back pocket is a good thing. Hoarding dollars on the other hand, is not something I understand. And while the rich constantly get richer and the poor suffer more and more, the inequality continues to grow. The rich also appear to pay way less tax (percentage-wise) than hard working straight forward people. It makes little sense. But to rich people I guess it makes perfect sense — it is their world. Well, that is what they believe.

The subprime crises from just over a decade ago was “engineered” out of danger, apparently, with funny money in the form of bailouts. And none of the twisted greedy pigs went to jail. The pain was delayed but you can’t cheat nature forever — it is coming to haunt us.

Anyone earning minimum wage is getting treated like a slave, especially in light of what the fat cat CEOs are taking off the table. Taking money, not making money. There is a difference. Watch the Netflix documentary that won an Oscar: American Factory. The working class are surviving — that is not the same as living.

But wait, the stock market is going up. Good times. This is not the real market. And yes, I read all the reports and see those YouTube videos where experts say it will keep going up. It is an engineered bubble, and it is not grounded in reality. I give it 6 months or so, and it will come crashing down. Again, what do I know.

The “king of debt” will tell us it is all great and that the government is doing an incredible job. Didn’t Trump promise during his campaign to keep the debt under control. Reminds me of that old tale, that when a guy lends a million dollars from the bank and he can’t pay it back, then he paces up and down and can’t sleep at night. But if he lends a billion dollars from the bank and can’t pay it back, then they pace up and down and can’t sleep. Hell, as it turns out for people like Trump, the banks lend him even more money. No wonder he is “rich” — the banks just keep giving him money.

Just last week Trump said he’ll ask Congress to provide more economic stimulus, including a payroll tax cut. It is all too incredible. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

Yes yes, I am not very politically correct. And this is another problem in the world today, but that is for another blog post. Right now we need to start calling a spade a shovel. This is not a time to be tip toeing around. People are pissed. And it doesn’t take a genius to have foreseen this mess that is now unfolding. Big shit is coming — I have been saying this for a while now.

The World Economic Forum for 2021 has a theme of “The Great Reset”. A great reset would be to either cancel the event totally or to invite people that really matter. What a sham.” — SM

The riots and looting in America must tell us something. Yes yes, there are many that are just causing trouble, and robbing stores, and scaring good folk. But it started somewhere real. The working masses have had enough of being disrespected and neglected. They are tired of the greed and the lack of kindness.

Who will fix this mess? Not the brilliant and inspired money printing Mr. Trump. A man who has doesn’t know the meaning of “an honest day’s work”. And while we are at it, we better not leave out his genius son-in-law, another hardworking, righteous and generous American. The irony of Trump is that his enlightened supporters would follow him off a cliff, and yet, he despises every last one of them. Yes, Trump is not helping anyone, and as the mayor of Atlanta recently said in a TV interview “Trump should just stop talking”. Whenever he opens his mouth he just makes things worse.

We can’t blame Trump for the world’s problems. We all did this together. Of course, Trump, as the leader of the free world, is a joke. He is a cartoon character at best. He is the poster child for greed and he just lacks any form of grace. And yet, he has had the perfect opportunity to bring America and the world together, in fighting the common corona enemy. Socially distant, together that is. Instead he has weakened America’s stature and he has freaked people out.

There is a war coming, to America. Gun sales in America are rocking, and those Trump supports are trigger happy. I have also been on about this for a while now, and whoever I told this to, said I was mad. Perhaps I am.

The purpose of influence is to “speak up for those who have no influence.” — Rick Warren

Another thing I was taught early in life is about the spirit of the law versus the contract of the law. It doesn’t matter what it says on paper. If something is off, it is off. The people with the money, the power, the influence, have a responsibility, and that is to the people of the world. What is all about if it is not for this simple fact. It can’t be about a bunch of rich folk in a fancy designer bunker on some remote island.

Makes me think of that old Einstein remark, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” Yup, the nuclear threat is very very real, more than ever before. But that is also a discussion for another blog.

So you are in your bunker on that remote island, and the world has been destroyed. I don’t get it. Who wants to be alive on an island with no world. Life is about people. If the people are gone then what is the point. Is that how this game works? A few rich folk on an island are the winners? What have they won exactly.

Seriously. What is the end goal? Why do these greedy little pigs hoard all this money — to what end? I know there is this constant pressure to achieve. We live in a competitive world, and we are all often hard on ourselves. My mom repeatedly tells me to stop and smell the roses. She says I am too hard on myself. And I know she is right. But being hard on yourself, to improve the quality of your work, is not the same as trying to make more and more money. There is a difference.

The 4th of July is coming soon. Time to celebrate. Yeah, party like it is 1999.

To end off, I am going to include that famous story of the fisherman, that inspired me about 25 years ago. Here it is again. Everyone loves this story, but very few people live it. Because greed is a very real disease.

One day a fisherman was lying on a beautiful beach, with his fishing pole propped up in the sand and his solitary line cast out into the sparkling blue surf. He was enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun and the prospect of catching a fish.

About that time, a businessman came walking down the beach, trying to relieve some of the stress of his workday. He noticed the fisherman sitting on the beach and decided to find out why this fisherman was fishing instead of working harder to make a living for himself and his family.

“You aren’t going to catch many fish that way,” said the businessman to the fisherman, “you should be working rather than lying on the beach!”

The fisherman looked up at the businessman, smiled and replied, “And what will my reward be?”

“Well, you can get bigger nets and catch more fish!” was the businessman’s answer.

“And then what will my reward be?” asked the fisherman, still smiling.

The businessman replied, “You will make money and you’ll be able to buy a boat, which will then result in larger catches of fish!”

“And then what will my reward be?” asked the fisherman again.

The businessman was beginning to get a little irritated with the fisherman’s questions. “You can buy a bigger boat, and hire some people to work for you!” he said.

“And then what will my reward be?” repeated the fisherman.

The businessman was getting angry. “Don’t you understand? You can build up a fleet of fishing boats, sail all over the world, and let all your employees catch fish for you!”

Once again the fisherman asked, “And then what will my reward be?”

The businessman was red with rage and shouted at the fisherman, “Don’t you understand that you can become so rich that you will never have to work for your living again! You can spend all the rest of your days sitting on this beach, looking at the sunset. You won’t have a care in the world!”

The fisherman, still smiling, looked up and said, “And what do you think I’m doing right now?”



Ronnie Apteker
Ronnie Apteker

Written by Ronnie Apteker

I am an artist and an entrepreneur.

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